This is the SoundFont2 Crisis General-Midi SoundSet (Crisis 3.01 GM SF2), created by Chris "Crisis" Maricourt.
You can only use this for personal usage, for commercial releases you must aquire a license from the following page.
You can also donate to this project using the same link above.
All rights reserved to Chris "Crisis" Maricourt
crisis [@] bismutnetwork [.] com
William Kalfelz
"I'm William Kalfelz - aka Wusik - and I started this project several years ago (2001 to be more exact). Wusik Station (now in version 10 - Wusik Station X) is a fantastic synth and my leading product. Wusik 8008, my second major release, is a sample playback modular synth featuring an easy-to-use interface.
If you have some free time, please, check out my latest songs visiting my music site below.
And if you can contribute/donate to my music and also my other free projects, use the link below.