Wusik EVE (Electronic Vintage Ensemble) has been a great plugin for quick sound creation, with a simpler interface (when compared to Wusik Station and Wusik 8008). But sadly it has been forgotten in time and never got a proper update for modern coding, until NOW. The product is now fully featured with 4 Layers which can load any sound from the Sound Collection provided with both Demonstration and Full versions. There are no presets, you just load sounds as you want and create presets on the fly. You can test it fully without restrictions right now.
Windows PC 64 bits native formats: Stand Alone App, VST2 and VST3.
Main Features
New Features
William Kalfelz
"I'm William Kalfelz - aka Wusik - and I started this project several years ago (2001 to be more exact). Wusik Station (now in version 10 - Wusik Station X) is a fantastic synth and my leading product. Wusik 8008, my second major release, is a sample playback modular synth featuring an easy-to-use interface.
If you have some free time, please, check out my latest songs visiting my music site below.
And if you can contribute/donate to my music and also my other free projects, use the link below.